Vulnerable and Abused Women and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in 29 areas:
Establishment of OVC and Abused women Safety Nets at Municipal Ward level.
OVC Mapping and develop database.
Parenting programme for carers of OVCs.
OVC care and support education and awareness.
Facilitate access to service provider for support.
Care and support to Vulnerable women and OVC’s.
Develop common referral system.
Develop directory of services.
Provide application packages for OVC grants.
Gender Based Violence Prevention, call centre, referral and support.
Capacity Building and Mentorship:
Training and mentoring of community based organisations in organisational development.
Training and mentoring of 26 small businesses in business skills.
Provision of short loans to 251 community entrepreneurs.
Management support to community entrepreneurs.
Community Mobilisation:
Increase access to primary health care and social services of 54 communities.
Increase 54 communities participation in ward based planning.
Strengthen and maintain linkages between the communities, clinics, community service providers and community health care workers.
Develop Community education and mobilisation tools in: HIV/AIDS, TB, PMTCT, male partner involvement, mother and child health, diabetes management, eye care, OVC’s.
Community Score Cards. Done in 24 Communities in Swaziland and 30 areas in BCM.