The Small Projects Foundation, also known as SPF is a NGO / NPO registered Trust that has been operating for 34 years. The Foundation has been a major contributor to development in the Eastern Cape over this period with specific emphasis on identifying critical constraints, establishing pilot projects, and later replicating these pilots into programmes that become self-sustainable.
The Small Projects Foundation has always emphasized that development needs to be measurable, whether in terms of asset creation or the results of training and capacity building.
The Foundation aims at achieving the development of communities (including OVC, Young Women and Girls, Maternal and Adolescent Mental Health, Gender Based Violence, families, CBOs, Leadership, and Education) who are committed to their own growth and development. The individual requires three main elements to better his/herself, namely:
1) Information about the available options.
2) Training in deciding on options, in taking up the opportunities/projects and in the technical skills necessary for project implementation.
3) Support in implementing projects/options and in post-project operations and maintenance.
All programmes and projects of the Foundation are built on this fundamental axiom of helping individuals, groups, communities and organisations with the necessary commitment, to grow and develop.
To this end the Small Projects Foundation operates on a request basis and always has a ‘sunset clause’ specifying that it will withdraw after a specified time.
Brief Organisation Background
For 34 years the Foundation has demonstrated its willingness and ability to initiate many projects and ensure their success. Crucial developmental issues are decisively and effectively addressed. Success in entrepreneurial development, agriculture, housing, water supply, ecotourism, educare and capacity building projects shows an ability to identify issues and causes, and develop programmes that directly impact the needs of the poor.
The Foundation was set up by an endowment fund. Incomes from the invested trust funds deliver support for some of our monthly operating costs. This ensures that at least 85% of project funds are directed at project costs, with the remaining 15% used for project development management, transport and other disbursements. The Foundation’s projects and programmes have received the support of, among others, Kistefos A.S of Norway, DG Murray Trust and KfW, Family Health International 360 and PEPFAR, the European Union, Rausch Partners Foundation, Royal Netherlands Embassy, Rotary Club of East London, Transnet Mobile Health Care Unit, Kagiso Trust, District Councils, the National Departments of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Eastern Cape Department of Health, Canon Collins Educational Trust for Southern Africa, ABSA and Barclays Banks, One to One Children’s Fund, Johnson and Johnson, Elton John AIDS Foundation, Proctor and Gamble and Medicor.
Head Office in East London. Eastern Cape, South Africa
The Foundation operates in most regions of the Eastern Cape Province and South Africa.
The Organisation is a community development and training trust, which is tax-exempt under Section 10 (1) F, is registered for VAT and is a Public Benefit Organisation, PBO No. 18/11/13/791 and NPO No. 000-319 NPO.
The Organisation is an accredited training institution with the Services SETA.
The Organisation is structured so as to maintain direct project control by the communities, funders and the Foundation.
Through networked communication, financial and training systems, we bring the collective resources of the Organisation to a specific programme or project.
The Organisation offers the full spectrum of services in terms of Project Management of Community-driven Projects that include the following:
Social Marketing and Mobilisation
Participatory Learning and Action
Skills training
Material Purchasing
Sub-Contractor Remuneration
Supervisor Development and Evaluation
Project Facilitation
NGO / CBO Capacity Building
Small Projects Foundation is an accredited agent for the One-Up Business Training Course, accredited by the Services Seta.
The Foundation’s auditors are Price Waterhouse Coopers (Mr. Jan Labuschagne)
Established : 7th January 1988
Registration (Status) : Welfare Organisation (NPO and Public Benefit Org)
Registration No. : 099006710006
Geographical Location : East London
2018 Operating Budget : R 6,8 million
Turnover : R30 million per year
The Small Projects Foundation has 9 Trustees who head the Organisation. The Chief Executive Officer is delegated the responsibility to manage all the activities of the Trust under the oversight of bimonthly Board of Trustee meetings. Management of the investment of funds is guided by the Foundation’s financial advisors, National Finance Brokers.