Freehold Tenure: Piloted and replicated the 1st freehold urban land tenure for 983 black families in urban areas in 1994-1999.
Rural Water Supply: Piloted and replicated community led rural water provision in 54 communities with the National Economic Forum.
Low Income Housing: Piloted and replicated low income housing for more than 1,000 families in Potsdam, Dimbaza and Wesley.
Village Water Maintenance: Piloted and replicated village water committee and maintenance teams in 54 communities with Amathole Water Board.
Early Childhood Development: Piloted and replicated community owned and built Early Childhood Development Centres in 483 communities.
Piloted and replicated a membership based network for Early Childhood Education for 2,400 educate centres across the Eastern Cape province through the Regional Educare Centre.
Social Marketing: Piloted and developed a social marketing methodology with Phelophepa Health Care Train that reached 1 million patients and operates across 8 provinces of South Africa.
HIV/AIDS Control Efforts: Piloted the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts initiative with Measure Evaluation in South Africa and Ghana which was replicated across all districts of Ghana leading to a decline in HIV in Ghana from 4.1% in 2003 to less than 2% by 2006.
Piloted and replicated Paediatric and Mother ART support from 2005 and supported 8 000 mothers and their HIV positive children to adhere to treatment, survive and thrive.
Piloted the Paediatric AIDS Treatment for Africa Network from 2005 and this was replicated across 495 treatment teams/sites in 26 African countries and is now serving more than 76,000 HIV positive children and their mothers.
Finance Corporation: Piloted a retail lending institution, the Amathole Finance Corporation, for poor people and replicated it to serve 16,000 borowers to improve their houses and education from 1995-2000.
Social Housing: Piloted Social Housing with Rotary and later with Netherlands Social Housing Organisations and had it replicated to become the Own Haven Housing Association with more than 2,000 units in Buffalo City.
Community Health Worker: Piloted community health worker training and management with 970 Community Health Workers in 8 provinces and replicated this with Eastern Cape Department of Health to manage 6,450 Community Health Workers in every health facility in the Eastern Cape from 2005-2010.
Empowering Young Women & Girls: Developed the Protecting Futures and Bright Futures Programme to empower young girls to complete school with Save the Children UK from 2008-2010 and rolled this out to 870 schools in 8 provinces of South Africa as well as replicated it to schools in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique serving more than 50,000 girls a year. (Awarded UN 1st Prize for Gender Responsive Public Service in June 2012).
Mentor Moms Clubs: Piloted Skills to Care training and Mentor Moms clubs which were recognized as best practice by PEPFAR and the National Department of Health on 16th May 2018.
Health Models: 1) COVID-19 Community Health Model published funded by Kistefos
2) Mental Health for Community Health Model published on funded by Kistefos
3) Adolescent Mental Health published on funded by Kistefos
4) Immunisations published on funded by Kistefos