SPF Project


Funded by: fhi360

Programme Manager: Nanga Magadla

Sector: Health

HIV Service Delivery and Support for Families Caring for OVCs (ReACH)


•To control the HIV epidemic among children and their families. The project is to improve the well-being of vulnerable children and youth by mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS, reducing their risk and vulnerability and increasing their resilience and likelihood of growing up to be healthy, educated and socially well adjusted adults.


•To increase the number of OVCs (particularly adolescent girls) between the ages of 0-17 years who receive a comprehensive package of evidence based interventions that mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in the identified PEPFAR supported districts.

•To strengthen the capacity of OVC caregivers and families to communicate and address key issues facing children affected by HIV and AIDS, including risky sexual behavior and prevention of neglect, violence and exploitation, in the identified PEPFAR supported districts.

•To actively promote HIV status knowledge and to support OVCs in accessing and remaining in appropriate HIV services.

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