SPF Project


Funded by: Rotary International

Programme Manager: Dr Paul Cromhout

Sector: Education

The vision is to empower Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD) practitioners with skills to develop and embed an enriched curriculum to stimulate learners to improve learning, motor skills, sequential memory and social skills in a safe, hygienic, nurturing and stimulating environment. Number of practitioners: 25 from 25 ECD centres.

Impact 1: Improve leadership / management skills and resources to improve quality of learning and teaching.

Impact 2:  Change view and attitude to numeracy & literacy. Need to change knowledge, skills and attitude and behaviour of parents, learners and practitioners.

Impact 3:  Improve teaching skills and transfer of skills in enriched curriculum to be embedded in centres by changing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour of 25 selected practitioners.


·         Well received invitation to participate culminating in a Launch. ECD practitioners are thrilled and will benefit tremendously.

·         Curriculum development by University of Fort Hare and ITEC will set the standard for ECD teaching.

·         University of Fort Hare will conduct a baseline survey which will be compared to other ECD centres to allow quantitative and qualitative scores to measure success.



Forging links between the NGO’s, service providers and ECD centres in developing and embedding a functional curriculum where there was little guidance previously. Rotary Clubs in East London and Rotary International have been amazing in securing the funding for a major part of this project. We salute them for their positive intervention.

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