Another 2 years of funding will expand and institutionalise in government clinics our Kistefos health sector initiative and build on what has already been an incredibly effective programme in Phase I and II.
Clinic Implementation (10 clinics) serving 150 000 people. Through 10 interventions:
1. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission. Results: decreased to less than 0,83 % from 7,5% (1908 HIV positive mothers helped to have HIV free babies). Mentor Mom support expanded by telephonic calls.
2. Quality Improvement through Balanced Scorecard. Results: implemented in all 10 clinics (98 clinic members trained). Assisted by providing 13 COVID Screening, Tracing and Testing teams.
3. Improved Patient Management by Patient File Management. Results: Implemented in all 10 clinics and supported 10 600. Patients. Currently servicing 4800 children living with HIV/AIDS and ensuring they are on treatment and adhering to treatment and are virally suppressed
4. Skills to Care Method for training Community Health Workers (CHWs). Results 60 CHWs trained and continuing with method. New COVID 19 manuals developed and 169 CHW’s trained. New Mental Health Manual developed and 127 CHW’s trained.
5. Orphans and Vulnerable Children Safety Nets. Results: 10 Safety nets set up and 11200 OVCs and their households served.
6. Mentor Moms Groups. Results: 1019 Pregnant women and new moms assisted
7. Primary Mental Health. Results: 13 nurses and 96 CHWs trained in Primary mental health and 759 depressed patients identified and being assisted
8. Defaulter tracing and care. Results: 4981 defaulters identified and 50% (2486) traced.
9. Bright Futures. Results: 35 Schools reached and 3500 children served
10. School Health services: Results 22 Schools reached, 44 teachers, 13 nurses and 29 CHWs trained in screening and referral and 250 children served with 112 receiving spectacles. A new Model for providing School Health Services has been developed.
Lockdown has stopped most services at clinics except emergencies. We continue to support Pregnant women, new moms and children and youth to access information, services and support. We will stop COVID-19 work from 1 June 2020. We will service patients and Mentor Moms by telephone and emergency home visits for rest of this year. Savings will allow continuing services in 2021