Small Projects Foundation (SPF) works with communities and community service providers where they draw on their own knowledge and resources, to identify constraints that face them; and develop plans to use their knowledge and take action in managing challenges facing the communities.
We strengthen the systems of health facilities through skills development, training and mentoring to embed models creating sustainability beyond funding term. We train and mentor community health care workers, members of community based organisations and learner support agents in various skills; providing them with knowledge, skills and competence to provide the necessary support to communities.
SPF staff has been working with the Amathole District, Buffalo City Municipality, Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality and OR Tambo District Health Offices on a Nutrition and feeding programme to identify malnutrition, provide nutritional supplements and develop home gardens and nutritious food preparation SPF worked with the Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism to develop the Mdantsane Greening Programme that rolled out over 12 000 home gardens form 2007 – 2010. It developed home gardens through training and support for over 6000 families in OR Tambo District under the Kistefos AIDS Action Programme.
SPF was also the Provincial Implementer for the Community Work Programme of COGTA for the OR Tambo and Alfred NZO District from 2012 – 2014 and established gardens, provided static water tanks and increased food security across 10 municipality in the area.
SPF has managed the capacity building of over 52 community Based organisations in the Eastern Cape. It has experience of developing institutional mechanism for organisations to access services and to monitor and evaluate the work of such organisations through word based forums, community scorecards and Quality Improvement Tools.
Youth HIV Prevention
Young Women and Girls Leadership Interventions
Youth mental health: provision of psychosocial services
Sexual and reproductive health and rights education
Advisory support and behaviour change interventions to youth out of school
Strengthening of adolescent and youth friendly services at clinics
HIV awareness and education
Retention of Adolescents and Youth in care
Education Sector:
Always Keeping Girls in School
Promotion of the Integrated School Health Policy of South Africa
Capacity building of teachers in sexual and reproductive health
Capacity building of learners in sexual and reproductive health and rights to access and seek treatment and have mastery of their own sexual reproductive health
Development and encouragement of girls to complete secondary school
Improvement of school ablution facilities by schools (hygiene & maintenance)
Creation of Bright Futures Clubs to provide peer support.
Provision of job and financial literacy skills by “Give yourself a Job” programme.
Development of parental support through parent/ child dialogues.
Combatting Gender Based Violence in Schools
Intervention programme with learners on gender based violence
Establishment of Bright Futures Clubs at schools with learners to prevent and report gender based violence at schools
Early Childhood Development
Capacity building of ECD practitioners to an NQF level 4 qualification
Mentoring and support for in-service training of teachers
Provision of educational toys and teaching aids
Provision of school furniture and equipment
Capacity building of Educare Committees, parents and staff to improve services
Primary and High School Education Initiative
Mentoring of principal’s in school leadership and improvement
Mentoring and support of teachers in Mathematics, Science and English teaching
Facilitating a culture of reading through library teaching primary school teachers skills in literacy and language teaching, provision of library services.
Mentoring and support boys and girls through sports coaching for rugby and netball
Improvement of assessment and referral of learners with disabilities or “at risk.”
Social Sector:
Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
Establishment of OVC and Abused women Safety Nets at Municipal Ward level.
OVC Mapping and develop database
Parenting programme for carers of OVCs
OVC care and support education and awareness
Facilitate access to service provider for support
Care and support to OVCs
Develop common referral system
Develop directory of services
Provide application packages for OVC grants
Capacity Building and Mentorship
Training and mentoring of community based organisations in organisational development
Training and mentoring of small businesses in business skills
Provision of short loans to community entrepreneurs
Management support to community entrepreneurs
Community Mobilisation
Increase community access to primary health care and social services
Increase community participation in ward based planning and service quality improvement
Strengthen and maintain linkages between communities, clinics, community service providers and community health care workers.
Develop Community education and mobilisation tools in: HIV/AIDS, TB, PMTCT, male partner involvement, mother and child health, diabetes management, eye care, OVCs, Community Score Cards