SPF Project


Funded by: Charlize Theron Africa Outreach

Programme Manager: Dr Paul Cromhout

Sector: Health

Overall Aim of the project was to ensure primary Mental Health services were provided by primary health clinics and accessed by clients in 3 clinics in Newlands and 3 clinics in Tsholomnqa.

SPF capacitated 12 Nurses with skills in Maternal Mental Health, Adolescent Mental Health, Leadership and Teamwork to screen counsel and refer patients with mental health issues. 

Key Activities:

  • Capacitated Nurses with skills and tools   
  • Two weekend training sessions per area 
  • Developed referral network and tools   
  • Produced common referral tools and trained nurses to use 
  • Screened and referred possible clients to clinics   
  • Trained CHW’s and LSA’s in screening and referral 
  • Mentor and monitored CHW’s and LSA’s to screen and refer clients 

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