SPF Project


Funded by: US AID

Programme Manager: Khuzwayo August

Sector: Health

This project in Nyandeni, a sub district of OR Tambo District, started in October 2017.

As is the hall mark of SPF the strategy is a community based approach towards the prevention, treatment and care of TB.

The objectives of the Community Based TB Contact Tracing, Treatment and Cure Project are:

  • To build the competence of individuals, families, communities, community-based organisations (CBOs), clinics, community health care workers (CHWs) and sub-district health officials to combat TB.
  • To mobilise families, communities, CHWs, clinics and sub-district stakeholders to identify TB cases, promote tracing, testing and treatment; and develop a plan and take action against TB.
  • To train clinic supervised CHWs (per clinic) to promote, trace, test and support treatment of identified TB patients and their contacts, 7 days a week throughout the project and to inculcate this approach amongst all role players.
  • To train and mentor nurses from primary health care clinics to initiate, manage and maintain such outreach and treatment.
  • To collect TB contact information and develop a baseline against which progress will be measured (from clinic and district database).
  • To develop a holistic contact tracing, testing and treatment support programme which integrates outreach and treatment support.
  • To mobilise and support stakeholders to achieve a TB case detection rate of 90% and treatment success rate of 90%. Most importantly, through tracing defaulters and testing TB contacts, to combat DS and DR TB.
  • Ensure a 90% cure rate through DOT and DR treatment.
  • To develop a continuum of preventative, promotive and treatment services for TB patients and their contacts and establish and maintain TB treatment adherence through support, nutrition, etc.
  • To provide social support when it is required as a mechanism to reduce discrimination and stigma associated with TB.
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